Vanderbilt and the Greatest Corner Never Told

“He was to finance what Shakespeare was to poetry and Michelangelo to art.” Financier and Statesman Russell Sage said these words of Cornelius Vanderbilt after the Commodore laid his enemies low with a brilliant double corner of Harlem and Hudson Rail stocks.  The ploy not only made him a small fortune, but also control of Read more about Vanderbilt and the Greatest Corner Never Told[…]

The Robber Barons

Currently Reading: The Robber Barons by Matthew Josephson Best For: Fans of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gould, and the other larger-than life industrialists and financiers who helped built the modern American economy.  Fans of American economic history will enjoy the details of this book.  Also, it is one of the most quoted books from the more contemporary Read more about The Robber Barons[…]