How to Become a Great Investor – The First Six Tentacles of the Kraken

The Kraken’s power comes from its vast size and ability to wrap multiple tentacles around its prey.  At the height of its strength it can drag the biggest ships under the ocean and devour them.  As the Kraken grows, its reach expands into every corner of the ocean.  This is how I view my investing Read more about How to Become a Great Investor – The First Six Tentacles of the Kraken[…]

The Robber Barons

Currently Reading: The Robber Barons by Matthew Josephson Best For: Fans of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gould, and the other larger-than life industrialists and financiers who helped built the modern American economy.  Fans of American economic history will enjoy the details of this book.  Also, it is one of the most quoted books from the more contemporary Read more about The Robber Barons[…]